Saturday, December 1, 2007

In Varanasi, India

It's December, and here we are 8 plus months into our trip now.
We are in Varanasi, India for a few days and heading to Bodhgaya next - the place where the Buddha was 'enlightened' under a Bodhi tree.

We are also currently a bit worried as we inherited a virus from an Internet cafe computer that has messed up our photo memory card with 800 plus photos from Nepal, Tibet, and China. We are waiting to get to a more 'civilized' place in the world before attempting to recover the photos. We are hopeful from reading on the web that the virus should be removed no problem with AVS, but we don't want to take any chances.

We'll post new pictures when we can but at this rate it will probably be in about a month, as our India itinerary for December is full of planned travel and includes a driver for about 2 weeks of it. Otherwise, it's power outages, lame internet connections, etc, are the norm.

More later.

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